Enobong O’wunmi

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“Full Hands,” read by Isuamfon Ekpott.

Full Hands

Full hands, hands are full. She hums, tapping toes to the beat.
Her thumb bears the weight of her yummy, cuddly baby
On another finger, a humongous fork stirs the stew on fire
On her index finger hangs the froth milk jug
ready to pour some tea for the oldies
In her right palm are toast, bacon, cheese, and tomatoes
Breakfast must be on time; bumble bees leave for crèche.
Like a dutiful waiter, she waits on everyone
She looks through the homework books,
cleans up every day’s mess in a second,
reads a Bible story, says a prayer to the oldies
tucks them under duvets,
till they drip, drop spittle and boogers.
She sings and cuddles Ms. Teensy-weensy,
until milk knocks the baby to sleep.
Mama drinks the dregs and eats the crumbs.
Tired! she yawns. Her body sags, her eyes dance.
“Thank you, Lord” She falls into bed like a sack
Tomorrow is another day.

Enobong O’wunmi is a poet and storyteller. She has written several poems and short stories featured on her blog www.abcdaysofbeingapenwoman.com. Her first collection of poems, Berrily In Love with Words, was published in March 2024. She is a wife and mother of two lovely girls.  

You can find Enobong at www.enobongowunmi.com (still under construction) or email her at thewriter@enobongowunmi.com or enybeeskiosk@gmail.com.

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Image: Mother and child, Raja Segar, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Thank you so much for this dear. Motherhood is a ministry full of sacrifices and yet a beautiful and fulfilling experience. God bless Mothers.


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