Joshua T. Baylis

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“Unquenchable,” read by Joshua T. Baylis.


Ignited out of winter’s ashen dark
Come fiery tulips, bursting daffodils,
Magnolias aflame, that bud, break, spark
The grey—As harmonising birdsong trills,
With bees abuzz about the blossom whirring,
The babbling brook of living water swells—
These all in union speak of something stirring;
Each song and petal heralds, hastens, tells
Of bright hope coming, growing, soon unfurled,
Unstoppable and all-encompassing
As dawn that fills and fires and warms the world—
The ancient certainty of newborn Spring,
Vibrant, verdant, fragrant, firm and true:
Unquenchably, all things shall be made new.

Joshua T. Baylis lives in Oxfordshire, UK, and writes about the symbolism of the seasons and the expansive power of nature upon the soul. A physicist by background, he works in research support and has previously been a church-based ministry trainee.

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