Ryan Keating

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“—Watching My Son Lead Worship Tonight For the First Time—,” read by Ryan Keating.

—Watching My Son Lead Worship Tonight For the First Time—

He has the beauty in him
That comes from seeing God
Even when he cannot see that he has seen—
A chorus and the wonder in his tone
That cannot be resolved  
Though he may still try at the end of lines
And long years to come. 
The words of a prayer, his grip
On the microphone and a reflection 
On the world around him—
Beholding in his face and a guitar 
The well-pleased Father’s love, 
The café lights that cast no shadow
On his blonde hair glowing
And the beginning of a new song.

Ryan Keating is a writer, teacher, and pastor on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. His work can be found in publications such as Saint Katherine Review, Ekstasis Magazine, Amethyst Review, Macrina Magazine, Fathom, Fare Forward, Roi Fainéant, and Funicular. His chapbook, A Dance In Medias Res, is now available from Wipf and Stock.

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Photo is in the Public Domain.

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