Issue 11: Poetry

Mary and Jesus by Irina Tall (Novikova), Issue 11.

Here’s a digest of the poetry from Issue 11:

Nicole Bird
The Light

I heard singing last night
Our Father, who art in Heaven
so far away it sounded
like a whistle in my ear … READ MORE >

Casey Mills
I Can Feel It

the children screamed behind smoky walls of sparkler spit
we shuffled on the outskirts, warning, encouraging
feeding off their warmth and delight
joy a form of thanksgiving … READ MORE >

Phil Flott
After You Believe

The constrictions in your chest loosen,
Fervent rivers flow together,
vivify the dead ocean. … READ MORE >

Julia McMullen
To be the wife of Job

Face slack with shock
not even the cattle spared
not even the wheat of the fields … READ MORE >

Nelson Okeke
Northern Martys

Will the blades cut deeper than
our sunken hopes of survival

before our loud whispers are heard?
Yet, we dance and wiggle our bodies … READ MORE >

Carol Edwards
We Asked for Signs

the shadow of us follows Him
gaping mouths a ravening clamor, rapacious
hearts a toxic mist gripping the world … READ MORE >

Marisa Jade
After Being Discharged from the Hospital, I Get a Surprise in the Mail

Seven days of work missed
& I’m in the hospital

I ask my mother to dye my hair black for my birthday
but I am cursed instead … READ MORE >

Diane Vogel Ferri

God, hold this breathing body
you resurrected with the morning star,

settle into my shoulder, unclench my neck
while my head breaks like glass. … READ MORE >

Kelsi Folsom
Once a Wild Animal

I spend the day driven by the next time
I get to rest my aching legs
prop my throbbing ankles up on the couch
fuzzy blanket pulled up to my waist … READ MORE >

Mary Katharine Parks Workinger
Crying like Gulls for What Is Ours

And sure, God’s love is fair.
I know I won’t be cheated
of whatever portion
a girl (of my relative merit)
has coming to her. … READ MORE >

Alex M. Frankel
After an Invitation to My Baptism, the Silence of Lorie and Annette

I set the day and invite many.
Carlton says “I’m on chemo pills and 10 a.m. is early.”
Lucy says “I’m a hundred and six, I can’t move.”
Brian says “I bought a horse and need to visit him.”
I get mad and invite the local cleaning lady.
I invite a chef from the loneliness center.
I invite two drunks from my HOA. … READ MORE >

Mischa Willett
Hold Up

Is this an allergic
thing or a preference
cafeteria guy asks
about my mushroom
rejection, and we have
a long—I mean long
for a cafeteria line—
conversation about how
him too, although he’s
coming around … READ MORE >

Shane Schick

The toe of a white Common Projects sneaker
and the heel of another cuddle in the bottom
of the frame, atop a grey cashmere sweater.
A bottle of Tom Ford cologne rests nearby,
next to a watch with a mesh, metallic band.
The wrist of the sweater’s long right sleeve
is resting where the wearer’s heart would be. … READ MORE >

Mark 4:21 by Bob Smith, Issue 11.

Enobong O’wunmi
Full Hands

Full hands, hands are full. She hums, tapping toes to the beat.
Her thumb bears the weight of her yummy, cuddly baby
On another finger, a humongous fork stirs the stew on fire
On her index finger hangs the froth milk jug
ready to pour some tea for the oldies … READ MORE >

Ryan Keating
—Watching My Son Lead Worship Tonight For the First Time—

He has the beauty in him
That comes from seeing God
Even when he cannot see that he has seen—
Selah … READ MORE >

Marshall Cunningham
Arkansas Sirens

Birdsong hymns, road-rattle psalms
along dirt trails beneath long
canopied trees. Pines used for boxes
and oaks for tire swings. Steeples hidden
in the boughs for all the squirrels to see. … READ MORE >

Danielle Page
Liquid Light of Mine

Turn, twirl, do whatever
On the banks of Pirate Cove, ocean
Tune surrounds the sky, swirls
In the sand as tambourines sway
Drop ego, shame, free from chains … READ MORE >

Michael Lyle
They Didn’t Know How Hungry They Were

until their neighbors
were handed the fish
and soft round loaves

lips flecked white
with tender flesh
teeth tearing bread … READ MORE >

Tim Gavin
Divine Property: Farmer’s Prayer in Cerca, Haiti

I lift these rocks and pray I remain strong;
I pray the rainy season brings forth crops; I
pray my cows grow fat and goats multiply;
I pray my chickens produce eggs; my child
Finds a prosperous spouse with land and house. … READ MORE >

Craig Dobson

Twenty-five years after I first went back
I remember again the Chapel’s tiny order:
the low tide ridges of dark wooden pews,
their cast of hymn books and kneelers,
the altar’s Last Supper reproduction
I didn’t know as a boy was by Leonardo … READ MORE >

Terrance Owens
An Old Testament

We had been goofing off during the rosary,
and so, for penance, as Grandpa called it,
we were each to fill a trash bag
with the apples that had fallen
from the decrepit tree in his backyard. … READ MORE >

Agaigbe Uhembansha
The Executive Drivers

You drive not for convenience.
Not even because you’ve learnt to drive.
You drive to show you’ve owned a car
To sell in the worship arena … READ MORE >

Desi Ana Sartini
Here I Am

Here I am, Lord.

I have brought the sacrifice—
split the heifer, goat, and ram;
arranged the dove and pigeon.

Where are You? … READ MORE >

Dana Ryan

Hannah wept,
her mouth full of sand
and dry as an empty tomb.
Eli, obviously,
never thirsted like this … READ MORE >

Lorette C. Luzajic

The endless dark, the wide blue deep. Jonah’s once bronze body is spook pale and puny, soaked through to skin and bones. He shivers. He forgets the dream that drowned him, the grace that spat him back on the shore. He does not recall the secrets of Nimh, or Ninevah. … READ MORE >

Joshua T. Baylis

Ignited out of winter’s ashen dark
Come fiery tulips, bursting daffodils,
Magnolias aflame, that bud, break, spark
The grey—As harmonising birdsong trills … READ MORE >

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